Privacy Policy

What We Do

When you travel with Nature Horizons, we want you to have the experience you’ve been imagining. And, when you’re looking for inspiration and help on planning your next trip, we want to give you the ideas you’re looking for. To help us do this, we need to ask you for a little personal information. But, we know how important it is to keep your personal information safe, and we’ll always be open with you about how we collect and keep it.

Data Collection

We’ll ask you for information such as your name and contact information, your email address, and, if you travel with us, your passport details. We collect your personal data for three main reasons:

 When you visit our website or use our mobile and/or tablet apps, to give you the best possible experience, based on what you want to find out and which device you’re using.

 So we can contact you successfully, if you get in touch or ask us for information.

 And, when we’re planning your trip, to ensure that we make the right arrangements for you.

If you’re travelling with us, we’ll ask you to tell us a little more about yourself, such as any health conditions. We only do this so we can plan your trip around any special requirements you might have.

How we share your personal information

We’ll only either ask you for personal information directly or, with your permission, gather it by tracking how you use our website or our mobile and/or tablet apps. We won’t share your personal information with third parties for any marketing activities.

When we do share your personal information, it’s always so we can provide you with a better service when you’re travelling with us.

If you visit our login page, we will set a temporary cookie to determine if your browser accepts cookies. This cookie contains no personal data and is discarded when you close your browser.

Safeguarding your personal information

We keep your personal information securely, and we only keep it for limited and appropriate amounts of time. If you’d like to stop receiving our email marketing, you can click ‘unsubscribe’ at any time.

Your rights to your personal information

You can contact us at any time if you have questions, concerns, comments, requests or complaints regarding our privacy policy or your personal information.

Please email us at 

If you have any comments regarding this privacy policy or the way we handle your personal information, you can also contact us on telephone number Tel: +1 (845) 324 9598

Changes to our privacy policy

From time to time, we might review our privacy policy and make changes to it. If we do this, we’ll always highlight it on our website and, where appropriate, let you know by email.