Tips for Mountain Biking Tour in Nepal

Nepal is the perfect place for mountain biking enthusiasts. Mountain biking tours in Nepal include the Upper Mustang and Annapurna region to mountain biking near Pokhara.

Nepal, attracting the attention of riders from all over the world, is boosting itself as a mountain biking paradise. It is suitable for family trips as well as novice, intermediate and professional riders as it offers the trail suited to all levels. Due to its unique topography, it offers one of the awe-inspiring, once-in-a-lifetime mountain biking experiences.

Mountain biking tours in Nepal are extremely enjoyable with natural trails that fit every kind of rider. From the beginner level off-road to single track and downhill rides that even the most daring riders need to use their utmost skills to accomplish, Nepal has it all. Recent days have even seen enthusiasts diving into trails that were formerly only used for hiking, including Annapurna, Everest, and Rara. Cycling in Nepal is an adventurous journey to hit the narrow and dangerous trails, feel close to nature, and get that ultimate adrenaline rush. However, cyclists ought to stick to some rules while going on these trips as small mistakes could lead to disastrous consequences that could result in getting stranded alone in the wilderness and calling for emergency rescue.

Mountain biking tour in Nepal

Here are a few tips that would help you during your mountain biking trips in Nepal:

  1. Understand the Terrain and your bike’s response

A change in conditions makes a big difference in any activity you pursue and the same applies to mountain biking. If you are riding a new bicycle or renting one, it is important to understand the machine before you take it out for the real deal. Take a few relaxing trips and test how the bike reacts to speed, cornering, and whether it is a good fit for you. It’s also a good idea to start slow and pick up speed later as you get used to the terrain. Race a bit to get the muscles working but also try some relaxing ride, as this is what a long ride would mostly constitute.

Nepal Trails: Nepal is one of the most beautiful countries in the world with lots of towering mountains. It ranges from 70 meters (KechanaKalan of Jhapa) in the south to 8,848 meters (Mt. Everest) in the north within the average distance of 193 Km. Because of this geographical feature, it offers a wide range of mountain biking opportunities. It is best for cross-country, all mountains, and Enduro-type rides. Nepal offers one of the most beautiful blends of the trails; dirt roads, hiking trails, yaks, and Himalayan goat trails which surely satisfies all riders.

  • Differentiate between Cycling and Racing

While racing definitely builds up your strength and stamina, this may not be what you would like to do during your trip to the wilderness. There are so many reasons why you should opt not to race. A nature ride would miss its charm of sightseeing if you hurry along the trails. Too many sharp turns to handle; muddy and slippery single tracks kicking your adrenaline. But what if you get into an accident in the middle of nowhere? Mountain biking is more enjoyable when you are relaxed.

  • Carry the Basic Tools

Mountain Bike: Biking in Nepal requires a proper mountain bike with decent components. If you are planning to bring your own bike that is a great idea but make sure, you bring the bike according to the terrain you are planning to go through. If you are planning a trip mainly on a Jeep track, a selection of hardtail or short travel dual suspension bikes is good enough. In addition, if you are curious about the single trail and technical rides, all Mountain or Enduro-oriented dual suspension bikes are the best choice.

Mountain bikers do not forget to bring their repair kit and the bare essentials on all their trips. However, it is worth mentioning again to take along what you need, as spare parts and maintenance is something you won’t find on most rural trails. 

Tools: If you are bringing your own bike to Nepal, make sure you bring all the required tools to repair your bike. Also, do not forget to bring the important parts along with you. In addition, if you are planning to rent a bike in Nepal, do confirm that you take all the required tools and parts with you. Here is the list of important tools and parts.

  • Tools: Allen-key, repair kit, pump, spoke key, bleeder kit
  • Parts: Gear wire and housing wire, chain links, tubes, derailleur, etc.
  • Learn Mountain Biking Skills

It’s not mandatory that cyclists should possess skills like bunny hop or other fancy swirls. Nevertheless, these could be lifesavers in certain situations such as encountering a log of wood on your downhill ride or when a pit appears out of the blue. Also, riding would be so much fun with the skills at hand.

Basic Mechanical Skills: As you are totally dependent on your bike for the entire trip, it is always recommended to know how to fix some of the basic mechanical issues that may possibly occur during the trip. Some of the possible mechanical issues to be known are listed below:

  • Changing the tire tubes and patching punctures
  • Connecting the broken chain with or without a chain link
  • Adjusting the derailleur whenever required
  • Changing the brake pads
  • Disassemble and assemble the wheels properly
  • Ride in Company

You may be a lone traveler, and may not agree with the idea. However, going mountain biking with other riders is a lot of fun and gives a plethora of benefits. You can share riding skills, snacks, travel stories, and even carry less load by sharing maintenance kits and other essentials with each other. Also, it’s a good idea to have company if you get lost or need assistance with maintenance. After draining so much of your energy into pedaling, a companion to talk to and share experiences while resting is a great time indeed.

  • Food and accommodation

Most of the accessible areas in the mountains are well equipped with tea-houses. Some of the tea-houses serve local foods while some of them offer different varieties of western foods too. The rooms offered by these tea-houses are of different ranges (basic to standard) based upon your interest to stay in. But it is highly recommended to get all the required information about the places you are planning to go through before you depart. You can get a lot of things up there, that you may require for the trip but pre-arrangement of all those things like energy bars, water purifier, shampoo, and other daily kinds of stuff will be an excellent idea, just to be sure that you have everything and it’s cost-effective too.

  • First-Aid

Before setting up for the trip, it is a wise idea to think about the safety concerns and prepare accordingly, as no one can predict what happens next. Here is the list of the medicines or tools that you should include in your first-aid kit.

  • Medicine for acute mountain sickness
  • Medicines for fever, vomiting, upset stomach, and allergies
  • Medicines for pain and sprain
  • Antiseptic solutions
  • Medicines for rehydration
  • Essential things for dressing and wounds