When is the best Season for Trekking in Nepal?

When is the Best Season for Trekking in Nepal?

If you’re planning a trip to the Himalayas and are after a quick answer on when the best time to trek is, well, the answer is, “it depends”! Generally speaking, there is no absolute best time for everyone; your Himalaya experience will depend on how you feel about crowds, how high you are planning on trekking, and your tolerance for heat, cold, and rain. Each Himalaya season has its own pros and cons, and with our handy guide, you should be able to choose the trekking season-best for YOU so you can get the most out of your trip

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Accommodation in the Amazon Rainforest – Nature Horizons Lodge

Your Amazon Rainforest experience with Nature Horizons begins once you arrive in the port town of Nauta. There, you’ll be picked up in a typical wooden boat and cruise down the Amazon River to the Nature Horizons Lodge—a fairly simple yet elegant property with an unrivaled location deep in the jungle.

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Fishing In the Amazon Rainforest – Fisherman’s Paradise

The Amazon Rainforest ecosystem is rich and biodiverse, from the treetops to the dark mysterious waters, the Amazon thrives with life. Consequently, the Amazon river presence in the natural world isn’t short of impressive – being the largest river (by the discharge of water) in the world, and the second in length, with approximately 6400 meters (equivalent to 4000 miles). All this has gained it the nickname “The River Sea”. The river is not only impressive in length but in expansion, with around 1,100 tributaries. 17 of those are about 1,600 kilometers long (1000 miles), expanding through several countries of the South American region. Most importantly the Amazon river is fundamental to a healthy ecosystem as it provides a whopping 20% of the Ocean’s freshwater supply.

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Packing List for Jungle Adventure in Amazon

The following is a list of equipment that should be on your packing list for your jungle adventure.

All luggage, food, and supplies are transported by our staff, and depending on the number of persons in the group, these are transported in the same boat or in a different one.

If you do have luggage that is not going to be needed during your trip with us, you can ask your hotel clerk if they can save them for you. They generally can, but if not, you can leave your luggage with us.

If you are to be dropped off at the airport at the end of your trip, we recommend bringing all your luggage with you. If by any chance you got some stuff that is fragile and cannot be taken to the lodge and you are to be dropped at the airport, you can leave them with us and we will take them to the airport for you.

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Traveling to the Amazon with Kids

A trip to the Peruvian Amazon jungle is guaranteed to be one of the most unforgettable vacation destinations you can choose for your family. In an outdoor classroom for the little ones, the rich biodiversity of the rainforest will open up their minds to a whole new world of curiosity and excitement. The Pacaya Samiria National Reserve located in the Upper Peruvian Amazon is home to some of the world’s most astonishing and diverse wildlife, like the majestic Pink River Dolphin, the lazy Three-Toed Sloth, and the vibrant Blue Morpho Butterfly.
Read More “Traveling to the Amazon with Kids”