Trekking in the Mountains of Nepal

Trekking in the mountains of Nepal has always been a source of happiness for me. It is the true form of excitement and joy which I get to experience with the company of the mountains. Every journey brings different kinds of experiences and adventures. And every time there is some new lcesson. I guess we can say that nature is the best teacher we have. From all my treks as a traveler and as a guide I have learned quite a few things from the great mountains of Nepal – Dominick Santariga.

The first and most important lesson I have learned is never to rush when we are up in the mountains. Before leaving for a trek, it is very important to plan the itinerary and try to collect as much information about the trails as possible. This helps us to take things slow and be able to immerse ourselves completely in the surroundings and appreciate every moment. And most importantly, the mountains have made me calm and composed. Understanding our body is very important, especially while trekking in the higher altitudes. We learn to know our limitations and accept that everything will not always go our way.

Nature pours down, snows, and sometimes brings you to your knees with the ruthlessness of a freak storm. Being in nature is a perfect way to take a self-check of your vanity. When you are trekking in the mountains, the constant change of weather, and the awe-inspiring view of the gigantic mountains check your inflated ego. No matter how prepared you are, you can never be too prepared.

Hiking on a challenging trail is like your life’s journey. If you come across an uphill trail that is difficult to climb. You feel like giving up midway because you feel you’re too tired to walk anymore. You need to give yourself a tiny nudge to say- The mountains are just around the corner, and that warm cup of coffee- those words are more than enough to get you moving. Life goals are like that. At some point, everyone reaches a point where they get dejected and disappointed, but the ones who get to their goals are the ones who persevere. 

Meaningful: It’s like the difference you feel when you watch the night sky up in the mountains, hours after a grueling hike, then the one you watch every day from your rooftop. 

Continue to push yourself to reach the top and finally when you do, savor the splendid views that only a few who persevere get to see.

The feeling of home comes from the ability to be themselves: focused, attentive, content, and completely alive in the moment. When you’re hiking, you live in the moment, are observant of the things around you, and feel a sense of peace. That’s the feeling of being at home.

To get closer to the magnanimous mountains with awe-inspiring views of mountains, the first step is to challenge yourself to grueling hikes which lead to them.

To grow, you have to keep moving. Staying stagnant or being too comfortable where you are in life doesn’t help you grow as a person. It’s the same with treks. You won’t get closer to the mountains or will get to see those amazing views up close for yourself if you don’t move forward.