When is the best Season for Trekking in Nepal?

When is the Best Season for Trekking in Nepal?

If you’re planning a trip to the Himalayas and are after a quick answer on when the best time to trek is, well, the answer is, “it depends”! Generally speaking, there is no absolute best time for everyone; your Himalaya experience will depend on how you feel about crowds, how high you are planning on trekking, and your tolerance for heat, cold, and rain. Each Himalaya season has its own pros and cons, and with our handy guide, you should be able to choose the trekking season-best for YOU so you can get the most out of your trip

Spring (March – May)

If you’re after warm temperatures, blossoming flora, and temperate days, Spring is the ideal season to trek in Nepal. Early spring tends to be a bit chilly, with mild temperatures in the low elevation regions (800-2000m), making trekking in regions such as lower Annapurna very pleasant. As winter fades away and spring pushes in, temperatures in regions with elevations over 4000m have moderate temperatures, making way for sunny, clear, and warm trekking conditions.

Considered one of the best seasons to trek and climb in the Himalayas, spring brings not only with it the sun and warmer temperatures, but fields of blossoming wild flora such as the famous giant rhododendrons, giving the landscape a radiant and vibrant texture.

Pros for spring trekking

  • Temperatures in upper hill and lower mountain ranges reach between 16-23º C
  • Pleasant, warm trekking conditions during the day, and warmer nights.
  • Snow that accumulates during winter melts away by April, clearing paths for high mountain passes over 5000m such as Cho La, Larkya La, or Thorung La.
  • Clear skies early in spring mean less chance of flight cancellations into mountain districts such as Lukla.
  • Fewer trekkers compared to October and November, which means more chances to experience the remote corners of the Himalayas.
  • Spring is Everest climbing season in Nepal which makes this is a great time to trek to Everest base camp

Cons for spring trekking

  • As it gets closer to summer, trekking can get hot and sweaty at a lower altitude
  • Afternoon clouds are common (with generally clear nights and mornings) which can bring clouds and brief downpours.

Summer (June – August)

Summer typically brings the monsoon rains from late May to mid-September in Nepal, so trekking during this time is not typically recommended in Nepal. With the monsoon comes high temperatures, considerable rain, and uncomfortable conditions. Mountainous regions are usually enveloped in clouds, and the lower routes are generally muddy with large numbers of leeches.

However, this doesn’t mean that you can’t experience the glory of the Himalayas from June to August! This is THE time to trek in the Indian Himalayas and Ladakh is incredible this time of year. Protected from the monsoon and high on the Tibetan plateau, Ladakh enjoys a largely dry climate throughout the summer months, with clear skies, uninterrupted views and stunning scenery.

Pros for summer trekking

  • Ideal conditions in the Indian Himalaya, protected from the monsoon, with opportunities to experience Tibetan culture and stunning high Himalayan scenery.
  • Villages and trails in Ladakh have far fewer trekkers than in Nepal, which means you can enjoy the beauty and solitude of the mountains without the crowds.

Cons for summer trekking

The monsoon in Nepal leads to wet and humid conditions, with obscured views and muddy trails.

Autumn (September-November)

Considered the best trekking season in Nepal, it’s hard to fault the clear skies, moderate days, and fantastic trekking conditions that autumn brings. After the monsoon the dust and pollution are cleared from the atmosphere, making way for crystal clear views and with it, stunning panoramas of the Himalayan mountain ranges.

Depending on the intensity of the monsoon, the best time to trek generally starts around mid-September. Once the weather has settled, most days feature clear blue skies and a bright sun that lasts throughout the day, unlike in Spring, when clouds build up in the afternoon. Towards December the evenings begin to cool off quite quickly, especially at higher altitudes, making warm trekking gear and sleeping bags a must!

Pros for autumn trekking

  • Days tend to be warmer (though nights are colder heading into winter)
  • The weather is stable and sunny, with clear skies and gorgeous views.
  • The temperature in upper hill and lower mountains reach about 15 – 24º C

Cons for autumn trekking

  • Generally with better weather comes more travelers, and this definitely holds true for autumn trekking in Nepal.

Winter (December-February)

For most people it is too cold to trek to high altitude regions in Winter in Nepal; daytime temperatures can range between 9-12ºC, and evenings can drop to subzero temperatures. If the cold doesn’t bother you, it is a great time to trek to the more popular places such as the Everest region, because there are far fewer people around compared to October and November, as well as the lower to mid-altitude trails, where the temperature remains fairly pleasant. Our Christmas and New Year’s treks in Nepal are always very popular for just this reason.

Mornings can start foggy, but afternoons are usually clear with the occasional snow in the mountains.  With this in mind, high passes such as Thorong La (5416m) in the Annapurna region, and the Kongma La (5545m), Cho La (5335m), and Renjo La (5420m) in the Everest region are usually closed from late November to March.

Pros for winter trekking

  • Fewer people on the trail mean no crowds
  • The sky is often very clear and blue during the day
  • The monasteries are great to visit in winter and some fresh snow on the hills is great for photography.

Cons for winter trekking

  • Many of the high passes are inaccessible due to snow coverage.
  • Colder temperatures require more planning and preparation, but the rewards are worthwhile.